The target aundience of this film are urbanites and teenagers who are able to relate to the film content and text. The film represents the not so glamorous side of West London and highlights the key issues that take place day to day. Kidulthood also represents black youths who are often mis portrayed negatively in the media.The main genre of this film is Urban Drama which involves a narrative with a city backdrop usually dealing with crime, drugs and other bad issues that go on in society. Clothing worn by actors are common clothes worn by teenagers in London e.g hoodies, trainers, jewellery.Music used in this film falls into the genre of hip-hop and grime which attract the target audience.
The target audience of this british film are young british youths who are deprived and may live in less developed areas in britain and also middle class people. This film is an gritty Essex drama which involves a main character named Mia.The stereotypes explored within the film include the working class ‘chav’ and their attitudes to family and acts such as smoking and drinking. For example the main character’s little sister smokes and she drinks regularly and in that society it is seen as normal. Also the culture shown is a very typical northern housing estate in which there are many young children and teenagers littering the streets regularly, this adds an element of danger to the film. The overall theme of the film is the idea of ‘Broken Britain’ in which it shows how unemployment, youths and drinking and smoking etc are a very common occurrence. Also the mother’s new boyfriend is seen as a potential father figure to Mia and her sister and so brings excitement and happiness to their lives when before it was very tense and up tight as it’s a dangerous area and you have to be vigilant.
This British film has interpreted ideas from the film kidulthood as it has many simularities. This film is a drama-triller. It involves a lot of violence and potrays the future South london as 'a gang ruled concreate playground'. Shank represents young teenagers and their struggles in urban london.
A number of urban drama films being released they remain popular as they attact a certain audience which are young people, this has a dramatic effect on the number views and responses as young people are more likely to watch such films and are the future generation so meanings and ideas that are portayed in these urban drama films will have an effect on society. As many of these films show the negative side to teen life it will motivate teenagers to not live in that particualar way.
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