Monday, 4 April 2011
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Friday, 1 April 2011
EVALUATION 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I have learnt how the construction of a film opening sequence works and also all the filming conventions involved this has enabled me to feel confident at creating my own products in the future and also to make the most of new technologies which have an excellent effect which gain great audience reception.
EVALUATION 6: What have you leant about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Technologies in the media are very advanced and are able to make the moving image on screen look real and excact, this has helped us in the making of our product. Using sony HD cameras where great as we could experiment with our shots whilst filming. Final Cut pro was quite difficult to use at first but after having a tutorial it was easier to edit and had many editing componets which has made our product unique.
Monday, 28 March 2011
EVALUATION 4:Who would be the audience for your product?
The target audience for my product will be young people from ages 15-21. From my audience feedback and target audience research it was clear that they were the most dominant audience for Urban Drama films. This audience will be able to raise awareness of my product through the use of word of mouth and also will be able to relate and identify with the story.
EVALUATION 3:What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Small independent companies and free lance producers/directors have produced the existing products that I researched, they have worked with a small budgets but have been able to experiment with the genre with broad techniques. A small independent institution such as Revolver would be able to distribute my product as it has a gritty genre which can be distributed to a wider audience.
EVALUATION 2:How does your product represent particular social groups?
My product represents the youths in London. The target audience of my product is 15-21+ as they will be able to relate to my product the most. Characters in my product are dressed in clothing such as hoodies, trainers and bandanas and conform to the representation of youths in our society today. The music used within our product represents the life-style of youth as it is of a grime genre and is quite fast paced which illustrastes the rapid speed of our urban society. This genre music is also listened to and composed by youth. As a contrast my product is diverse as youths within it are from different ethnic backgrounds and are not predominantly black young males. The location I chose to film in subverts to the typical urban environment which is usually a deprieved built up estate our location is more modern built up area.
typical estate
our location
Thursday, 17 March 2011
EVALUATION 1:In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real products?
Our product 'Conflict' has genre conventions equivalent to the Urban Drama genre as the storyline has the main protagonist experiencing the gritty hardship of modern urban society. I researched and analyzed existing products of the same genre these were:
-Fish Tank
each of these films have a young persons perspective of urban life. In each of these films there are several complications and problems within their society. There society is deprived and people struggle for a sense of belonging. Each of these products have a target audience which are young people between the ages of 15-21+ as they are able to identify/relate to characters also middle class and authority figures who do not have a insight and understanding of urban life in deprived societies. When doing my market research I noticed that these Urban Drama films have been successful as audiences have been able to relate thought personal identity as the issues raised in Urban Dramas are equivalent to real life.
Monday, 14 March 2011
During production we had to organise and inform our teachers about the dates we wanted to film this was a crucial factor as camera renting had to be done during school hours and we had to have suppervision from an adult.
Also we had to inform and organise dates for our main protagonist to be on set during prouction.
During these dates we also had to have back up cast just incase certain characters were unable to attend on the filming days set.
Friday, 11 March 2011
This was one of our meetings where we discussed issues to do with our project...
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Monday, 31 January 2011
shooting script: Conflict
00:00 Pan shot of buildings and surrounding environment
00:10 Low angle shot, then slow pan
-show the members of the gangs
Close up pan across the faces of gang members
00:15 Close up shot
-show the emotionon the protagonists face
00:17 Extreme close up
-reflection of rival gang in the eye of the protagonist.
00:18 Cut away to
-earlier that day of two shot with the protagonist with his grandma
00:20 Tracking over the shoulder shot of protagonist
00:22 Jump cut to POV shot of protagonist
00:25 Wide angle POV shot
-protagonist's view looking at rival gang member.
00:27 Wide angle three shot
-view of three more gang members
00:32Cut away and flash effect
-flash back of protagonist from earlier that day to present time
00:42 Over the shoulder shot
-protagonist deciding which way to go
00:47 Jump cut to POV shot
-protagonist seeing suspicious character
00:50 Close up over the shoulder shot
-protagonist looking behind himself in a paranoid state
00:55 Flash effect to mid shot
-shows gangs again
00:57 POV shot
-protagonists POV
01:00 zoom
-zoom into alley he is going to go down
01:05 Close up with crab tracking
-protagonist's feet as he is running using match on action
01:08Over the shoulder tracking shot
-protagonist running down alley
Sunday, 30 January 2011
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